Electric Society International Summit on

• Areas within the knowledge space on electric mobility and smart cities •

The Future of Electric Mobility in Smart Cities

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New Trends for Teaching Key Technologies in Electric Mobility

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Energy storage and management

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EV battery production

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Design and manufacture of electric vehicles

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Charging infrastructure

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Electric mobility and society

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Charge management for electric mobility

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EV and EVSE interoperability and comformity

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Design of heavy duty electric fleets

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Electrification of transport modes

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New technological trends in smart cities

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The grid as the backbone of energy transition

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Flexibility management as an enabler of the energy transition

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Technological transference, from University to Industry – University spin offs

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Blockchain and Smart Contracts for energy application

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Peer to peer energy trading and energy communities

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Adapting the grid for the energy transition

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Adapting the grid for the energy transition

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Digital Transformation and Training: Driving the Future of Business and Society

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