Electric Society International Summit on

• knowledge AREAS SUMMARY •

Alberto Méndez Rebollo
Pablo Arboleya

Introduction to flexibility management to increase the number of EVs connected to the grid

Flexibility management will play a significant role in optimising charging and discharging patterns of EVs with programs like ’Demand Response’, which enable EV owners to charge their cars at a cheaper price during off-peak times. Flexibility management can also adjust charging times to periods of high renewable energy generation. Bi-directional communication between vehicle and grid creates completely new opportunities for energy usage and storage.

How can a big network of vehicles connected to the grid enhance the efficient use of renewable energy resources?

Listen to Mr. Alberto Méndez, Mr. Pablo Arboleya and the rest of the „All Electric Society“ Experts, to talk about this topic next Friday, September 20, starting at 09:30 a.m.

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