Electric Society International Summit on

• Why an AES International Summit? •

The “All Electric Society (AES)” International Summit on Electric Mobility and Smart Cities is a response to the growing demand for professionals to meet the challenge of electrifying the society of the 21st century. It is an event organized by the University of Oviedo Foundation together with the “Milla del Conocimiento” Chair and the International Education Network (EduNet) supported by Phoenix Contact. This event will take place on 19th and 20th of September 2024, at the International Trade Show facilities (Gijón Convention Center) in Gijón, Asturias (Spain). It is estimated that more than 500 people will attend the Gijón Convention Center site during these two days. All EduNet members are invited to participate in this singular event.
electric mobility

• Joining forces with today's professional e-mobility ecosystem •

Save the date! Between the 18th and the 20th of September the professional sector and the educational sector of electric mobility and smart cities join hands in Gijón, Asturias. This year, the first edition of the All Electric Society International Summit will take place together with the eighth edition of the European Electric Mobility Congress organized by AEDIVE, the Spanish Emobility Association. Experts from international organizations will discuss the transfer of technology between academia and business and the different ways to promote the generation and sharing of technological knowledge needed by the electric mobility industry of the future.

• What are we aiming to achieve by organising this event? •

The aim of this AES International Summit is to address, from a didactic perspective, the basic and advanced principles of technology linked to electric mobility and smart cities.

More than 300 representatives from the academic and business world will participate sharing with students and professionals of different sectors their knowledge, experiences and success stories in the fields of energy, transport, communication, digitalization, infrastructures and their connectivity, cybersecurity and the interoperability of smart mobility services in the cities of the future.

This exchange of knowledge will take place through various training and recreational activities using the latest technologies in technical training.

• An event aimed at several sectors of our society •

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Key Notes

Listen to international experts talk about the future for electric mobility professionals, new trends for teaching in key technologies, knowledge management for the smart electrification of our cities and society.

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Master Classes

Learn about the basic technical knowledge with our engineering training program for future professionals in the electric mobility industry.

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Round Tables

Stay on top of the latest trends in technical education in academic institutions and the best practices to promote sustainability-oriented talent required for a complete energy transition.

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Social activities for the more than 300 registered attendees from all over the world of international origin (professionals, academics and students) linked to the energy, transport and ICT sectors.

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Interact with the most advanced learning solutions in the field of charging infrastructure development with the use of new  technologies based on immersive reality.

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Enjoy our gaming sessions for high school students, professional training centers and universities participating in the sustainable driving competition and the exciting emobility datathom championship.

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Find out about the most innovative technologies for charging infrastructure and the latest electric vehicles models and brands that have been launched on the market.

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EV Driving Test

Participate in driving tests of electric vehicles and enjoy a new experience linked to energy efficiency.

• An opportunity to enter the whole educational ecosystem of electric mobility •

Find educational experts in each of the links in the value chain of the new mobility.

Position your organization as a local partner and as an international reference in key technologies linked to electric mobility.

Show to your partners your sustainable solutions for energy management and transport.

Share your knowledge and experience with the international educative community.

Contribute to disseminate the role of STEM disciplines in the new industry in the region and in the country.

Become a prominent member of the new mobility community.

Organized by
Ayuntamiento gijón

Activity subsidized or sponsored by the Gijón/Xixón City Council

Actividad subvencionada o patrocinada por el Ayuntamiento Gijón/Xixón

Cátedra milla del conocimiento

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